The How to Run Faster Now website is an absolutely essential tool for any athlete who is looking to improve their strength and speed. The site belongs to Adam Kessler, a certified strength and speed coach who is not only an athlete himself, but who has coached athletes in a variety of sports and levels and helped them to achieve their goals.

After years of accumulating the most advanced technical information on the secrets of getting faster, he has compiled all of his knowledge into a comprehensive program called the Run Faster Method. The program is to help any athlete achieve their speed goals.

Adam Kessler

Adam Kessler has helped athletes, both as individuals and entire teams, to improved performance and strength.

His impressive credentials include certification as a strength and conditioning coach from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, sport performance coach for the USA Weightlifting team, and coach to both teams and individuals who went on to athletic success under his tutelage.

He developed the Run Faster Method that is featured on the How To Run Faster Now website in order to extend his ability to help athletes to gain agility, speed and strength, and the program has been very successful.

His methods of improving running technique are also included on the website itself; in fact anybody who visits the site is invited to sign up for his newsletter and receive a free speed workout that provides a sampling of the kind of value that can be found in the program.

He also provides insight into general sports news stories via his blog, including not only running information but also profiles on the workouts of the most elite athletes across all sports.

How To Run Faster Now Blog

With a website name like How To Run Faster Now, it seems as though the people visiting the site would most likely be people who are looking to improve their running technique – perhaps elite runners who are training and hoping to run their next race at their best time, and the website certainly can provide that.

But the blog also offers valuable information about other areas of interest to people involved in all sports, ranging from such topics as NCAA basketball stars, to upcoming sports festivals, to the workouts most favored by elite athletes. But as valuable as all of that information is, it pales in comparison to the speed work that Adam Kessler offers up.

The site has a tab titled “Top 10 Speed Drills” that covers his favorite exercises that he has every one of his athletes do in order to increase their speed. Using this top ten will make an immediate difference in your leg strength and explosiveness, so it’s amazing to think that these are just a small piece of what you receive when you purchase his Run Faster Method Program.

Run Faster Method

The Run Faster Method program that is offered on the How to Run Faster website is designed to be used either by coaches or the athletes themselves.

It offers specific, detailed instruction on integral aspects of running technique that are specifically designed to increase a runner’s speed, including everything from warm-ups to flexibility, nutrition to strength training. The drills are integral parts of the program, and they address such oft-ignored items as explosiveness and the correct way to do plyometrics.

The cost of the program is just $37, and in addition to the downloadable ebook, the program also includes lifetime access to online videos, charts, and nutritional information so that you can constantly check to make sure that you are doing the exercises and drills correctly, chart your progress, and see whether any new information has been released.

All that, and the program comes with a money back guarantee in case you aren’t satisfied.