A running parachute is a tool to assist you in increasing both your speed and your endurance while you run. Just as you would use a parachute before jumping out of a plane to slow your fall, you attach this nylon parachute to your chest or waist, and as you run, it billows out behind you.

This causes resistance as the wind catches in the cloth, and slows you down, forcing you to put more energy into your running, and improves your running technique.

Once you become accustomed to running with this additional hindrance, you can make it your goal to achieve the speed you had without it. When you decide to run without it again, the theory is that your speed will naturally have increased.

Running Parachute Training

It can be very helpful in preparation for a marathon to use running parachute training. It is best to use a parachute in conjunction with other forms of resistance training; using it alone will not give you the best results, as you will be more likely to strain yourself and only exercise one area of your body.

Working out your entire body is key to enhance your running ability. Start slowly, using the parachute once a week, and gradually build up your distance, speed, and frequency as your endurance increases.

An important part of using a running parachute is finding a large, open field to run in. Running straight is best, and it’s imperative that you avoid being near trees, as your chute can easily catch on the branches. This can both damage the parachute and hurt you. Football or track fields are a good option to run in.

Running Parachute Workouts

To use a running parachute in your workout, your primary goal is to cause the parachute to open behind you. In order to achieve this, you will need to quickly gain speed as you first begin to run. You can work alone, or with a partner who can throw the chute up as you take off.

It is most beneficial to you to initially work in short sprints. Start at a smaller distance, such as 50 yards, and repeat this for many weeks until you become accustomed to it. Then increase the distance another 25 yards, and repeat, increasing at that same rate whenever you are ready.

Running Parachute Reviews

Although this is thought to increase your overall speed when you run without the parachute, a recent study of fourteen runners, from ages 15 to 18, was done, which proved running parachutes had no effect on speed. This was a comparatively small study, however, and a larger test may have differing results.

Even if it does not increase speed, there are other benefits to using running parachutes, including strength, preparation for difficult weather, and the ability to keep a workout interesting. Runners often seek out new places to exercise, such as hilly ground, in order to add some variation to their workout. With a chute you can add this variation without leaving your home field. Marathon runners face many challenges,
and wind can sometimes be a part of it. If you have been training with a parachute, you have an advantage on windy days over those who have not.

Running Parachute Price

You can find running parachutes at a variety of places, including Sears or Walmart, online marketplaces like Amazon or eBay, and specialty workout equipment stores. The price ranges from $5 to $292, depending on the quality.

If you’re just starting out, it may be best to start with a less expensive kind ($20 or less), until you get the feel for it and have a chance to really know if it is something you would like to continue training with.